3 results
Statement of strategy
The statement of strategy forms part of a package of legislative and regulatory measures designed to improve the security and sustainability of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes. In this consultation, we are seeking views from DB scheme trustees and advisers on our proposed approach to the statement of strategy. This includes the form of the document, and the type and extent of the information that will need to be submitted. We want to understand whether: this proposed... MoreClosed 16 April 2024 -
DB funding code and regulatory approach
In this 14-week consultation, we are seeking views on a draft defined benefit (DB) funding code of practice, which provides practical guidance on how trustees can comply with scheme funding requirements. We are also consulting on Fast Track and our regulatory approach to assessing valuations. We have developed our approach to reflect the direction of legislation (as consulted on by the Department for Work and Pensions from July to October 2022), responses to our first consultation and... MoreClosed 24 March 2023 -
Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy
Pensions dashboards are digital services (apps, websites or other tools) which savers will be able to use to see their pension information in one place. The Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022 introduced new duties on certain trustees and scheme managers to enable dashboards to function and new powers for us to regulate these duties. The legislation also includes new powers for us to pursue third parties where we are of the opinion that they have caused the scheme to be in breach of the... MoreClosed 24 February 2023
3 results.
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